爱企查为您提供申泰/SAMTEC SMM-112-02-S-S-LC-P-TR 定制解决方案 高频电缆组件,深圳市邦晶科技有限公司售卖商品,可电话联系商家或留言询价。高频电缆组件;高频电缆组件批发;高频电缆组件行情报价;高频电缆组件价格;高频电缆组件底价;高频电缆组件图片;高频电缆组件
唯样商城为您提供SAMTEC设计生产的SMM-112-02-S-S 元器件,主要参数为:,SMM-112-02-S-S库存充足,购买享优惠!
smm-112-02-s-s-lc-k-tr - The SMM is a socket strip for through-hole or surface mount termination. Available in single- and double-row configurations, this 2.00 mm (.079") pitch connector offers the designer huge flexibility and current ratings of up to 3
制造商型号: SMM-112-02-S-S-01-TR 制造商: SAMTEC (申泰) 产品类别: 矩形连接器插座,母插口 商品描述: CONN RCPT 12POS 0.079 GOLD SMD 供货: 货期 工作日(7-10天) 渠道: digikey 服务: 锐单发货及售后,顺丰快递,在线客服 客服: 立即咨询 询价 提示: 联系在线客服,获得更多SMM-112-02-S-S-01-...
The SMM is a socket strip for through-hole or surface mount termination. Available in single- and double-row configurations, this 2.00 mm (.079") pitch connector offers the designer huge flexibility and current ratings of up to 3.2 Amps per pin.
SMM-112-02-S-D-LC-TR由SAMTEC设计生产,立创商城现货销售。SMM-112-02-S-D-LC-TR价格参考¥30.81。SAMTEC SMM-112-02-S-D-LC-TR参数名称:间距:2mm;行距:2mm;安装方式:立贴;排数:双排;总孔位数:24P;额定电流:3.2A;额定电压:350V;塑高:3.56mm;触头镀层:锡
Source part/SMM-112-02-S-S-LC-01-P direct from stocking distributors and other suppliers. Find part/SMM-112-02-S-S-LC-01-P parts and datasheets using netCOMPONENTS, the world's largest electronic component sourcing site.
唯样商城为您提供SAMTEC设计生产的SMM-112-02-S-S-P-TR 元器件,主要参数为:,SMM-112-02-S-S-P-TR库存充足,购买享优惠!
Source part/SMM-112-02-S-S direct from stocking distributors and other suppliers. Find part/SMM-112-02-S-S parts and datasheets using netCOMPONENTS, the world's largest electronic component sourcing site.