for prank-calling him. He then becomes Bowser's second chef in Bowser's Chinese Food when Chef Pee Pee calls him saying he needs somebody to cook Chinese food for Bowser because he can't. After a few months of absence, Jackie appears in 2014's Thanksgiving special The Big Thanksgiving....
Examples include Bowser's Dilemma, Bowser's Thanksgiving, and the Chef Pee Pee Quits! series when he has to cook or find ways to get food because Chef Pee Pee quit his job. He is shown to make huge messes and can't even cook a doughnut without it turning into toast. His alternate ...
You can feel Confucian culture everywhere in WEGO "Health, Joy, Thanksgiving, Diligence, and Wisdom" is the the corporate philosophy; "all the people are the elites, and everybody will succeed as long as you work hard" is our talent philosophy; Together ...
LS10TEN4Z7PF Thanksgiving
List of videos, characters, and events that have happened in 2022.
SML Reacts (formerly known as Logan Reacts) is a series of videos on SuperLuigiLogan and later on Logan's personal channel that show Logan and members of the SML cast reacting to various SuperMarioLogan videos. The SML Reacts series was originally discon
In the main series, the two were best friends and got up to crazy antics, such as Mario discovering Mama Luigi's embarrassing video or when they advertise the ShamWow. Mama Luigi was also one of the dinner guests inThe Big Thanksgiving. Years later, after a long hiatus, it is revealed...
The Big Thanksgiving Bowser Goes To The Movies! Bowser's House Fire! Bowser's Biggest Fear Bowser's Dilemma The Perfect Plan! The Golden Egg! Bowser's Depression Cody Bowser Junior's Summer School Cool Cody! Cody's Missing! Forsaken Cody's House Taken Away! Cody's Revenge!