This got to the point that every video Jeffy didn't appear in, such as "Toad's Mistake! (2017)" and "Attack of the Killer Shrimp!", where Hated by younger viewers simply because he wasn't there. Worse, classic characters like Woody, Shrek, and Black Yoshi were all heavily affected ...
It's possible that Feebee was going to be revived in the SuperMarioLogan Movie, before the film's original cancellation. A new Feebee puppet was revealed to be coming to the SML merch store in the BTS for "Bowser Junior The Babysitter!", meaning that she may make an appearance in a ...
The Toad Music Videos are the fifth (fourth if not counting the SLL Movies spinoff) spinoff of the SML Movies series. The SML Movies Episode "SML Movie: Toad is Cool" spawned a spinoff of music videos made byToadrapping as he becomes a rapper with his partnerRay Cheesy. ...
but it was only temporarily. In late January, these videos eventually started getting age-restricted and demonetized as well. This also causedThe SuperMarioLogan Movieto be delayed. Due to the family-friendly
For information about the Super Mario version of this character, go here. Justin Braxton Reynolds, Sr.[3] (referred to as Braxton, and formerly known as Bowser) is a formerly-main, now minor character in the SML series. His real first name was thought to