A year later, since his house was burned down by his son Junior. Bowser, Chef Pee and the latter are moved into an apartment. After Mario and his family lost their house due to how Mario losing money, Bowser decided to let him and his family to stay and he and Mario are now best...
August 15, 2015 (age 9) (Hit by a truck) Gender: Female Hobbies: Spanking her diaperSaying "Buzz buzz" Relatives: Jeffy (older half-brother)Terry (father) Nancy (mother) †Papi (grandfather)Martha (grandmother)Puss Hole (nephew)Puss Hole 2 (niece) †Jeffy Junior (nephew) †Jeffy ...
Jeffy has shown to be demanding, even more than the level Junior displays, as seen in Jeffy's Bedtime!, where he demands that Mario and Rosalina make his green eggs and ham, "Jeffy Gets Potty Trained!" when he demands that Rosalina give him marshmallows instead of peas, "The Hitman!",...