Joseph's Mom (Love interest) Joseph's voodoo doll Angry Birds Trix His TV Chompy (Pet dog) Judy (Love interest)[4] Prostitution Being young Joseph Jackie Chu Abusing Chef Pee Pee (mostly) Canada Being a great father to Junior Protecting Junior Jeffy (currently) Red Apples (as of now) ...
For information about the Mario version of this character go here. Rose Wilfred (formerly known as Rosalina Wilfred) is a major character of the SML series. She is the wife of Mario (currently known as Marvin) and the adoptive mother of Jeffy. Rosalina m
He and Junior are now best friends to a point where junior plays with him more than Cody and Joseph. In Jeffy and Junior's Big Heist, Jeffy helped Junior retrieve Charleyyy’s underwear and getting him to sign it as they both disguised as people from corporate to make him sign it. He...
"The Cop Bet!" is the 774th episode of SML Movies. Brooklyn Guy bets he can get more arrests! It's payday at the police station. The Chief calls Officers Simmons and Brooklyn T. Guy with their Christmas bonus paychecks, each only $25 for the two not maki
SML Movie: Junior's Stepmom! YouTube JuniorBraxton MarzYT·1/7/2025in General Is this scene Real? Has Anyone Remember a scene where Joseph Told Bowser Jr To Make ScrewBall Laugh And Bowser Jr was saying stuff about butts and screwball was chuckling trying not to laugh. ...
Joseph Trivia Anthony is into poetry. Anthony had a YouTube channel calledKirbStomp (formerly TriTriTri). He had the interest of becoming a voice actor. He loves playing board games. He sometimes drive-orders fast food, and does voices of famous characters at the drive-thru. ...