Joseph Trivia Anthony is into poetry. Anthony had a YouTube channel calledKirbStomp (formerly TriTriTri). He had the interest of becoming a voice actor. He loves playing board games. He sometimes drive-orders fast food, and does voices of famous characters at the drive-thru. ...
Joseph’s Imaginary Girlfriend! 18 Votes in Poll CodyJuniorJosephShrekPenelopeJonathanJeffy Gets Stuck!JeffyMarvinJunior The Gift Thief! Smlfanbase272200·1/12/2025in Ideas/Alternative Endings Marry Jr. (MJ) Braxton and Marry have a daughter which is Junior & Sanji's half Sister
During these four episodes, he gets more experienced and powerful, but so do his enemies Vegeta/Junior, Nappa/Joseph, Brooklyn Guy, and Lord Frieza/Lovell. In "Jeffy Ball Z Episode 3" Jeffy defeats Nappa, Vegeta, and Lord Frieza. But when he tries to use his wish Brooklyn Guy steals ...