Hey, I'm Feebee! Buzz buzz!Feebee introducing herself to Mario. Feebee's last words before being run over by a truck.I don't know how! Not to be confused with Phoebe. Feebee was Jeffy's younger half sister & Nancy's daughter, debuting in "Jeffy's Sister!
The Jeffy puppet was made by Evelinka (Eva Gronowitz) from Beacon Art Studios. It can be found on her Etsy page and website, and costs $571.00 USD. Jeffy has had eight birthdays since he was taken in by Mario, making him 20 due to his age being revealed in "Jeffy's Parents!"...
For information about the Mario version of this character go here. Rose Wilfred (formerly known as Rosalina Wilfred) is a major character of the SML series. She is the wife of Mario (currently known as Marvin) and the adoptive mother of Jeffy. Rosalina m