This study aims to determine the influence of the principal's leadership style and teacher performance on the quality of education at SMK Insan Aqilah 1 Serang City and SMK PGRI 4 Serang City. Improving the quality of education at SMK Smk insan aqilah and at SMK PGR...
Diposkan pada Maret 12, 2023Kategori Pendidikan, UniversitasBerikan komentar untuk Inilah 3 Universitas Terbaik di Surabaya, Apakah Berniat Masuk? Daftar 4 Universitas Terbaik Di Semarang Jawa Tengah Universitas Terbaik Di Semarang – Selain dikenal sebagai kota industri, ternyata Semarang juga cukup pop...
The sample of the research is 13 students of SMK Farmasi "Intan Husada" Kota Serang-Banten posed five open- ended questions. The students' response to the question will be analyzed to know students' perception on their interest in learning English for Specific Purposes taught in the classroom...