In this study, the dissolution kinetics of smithsonite ore in aqueous gluconic acid solutions is investigated in a batch reactor by using the parameters such as temperature, acid concentration, particle size and stirring speed. It is determined that experimental data comply with shrinking core model....
【晶体结构】三方晶系。 【形态】晶体呈菱面体或复三方偏三角面体(比较少见);通常为土状(称土菱锌矿,drybone ore)、钟乳状或皮壳状集合体。 【物理性质】白色,因含杂质呈浅绿、浅黄、浅褐、肉红色。玻璃光泽。硬度5。密度4.1~4.5。味微涩。 【鉴定特征】能溶于盐酸放出CO2。 【成因及产状】是闪锌矿氧化后...
a mineral, zinc carbonate, ZnCO3, found in crusts and masses: an ore of zinc. [1825–35; after J.Smithson, who distinguished it from calamine; see-ite1] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. ...
on the impact of the different methods of adding sodium sulfide and laurylamine on the floatability of zinc oxide ore (mixture of smithsonite and hemimorphite) in the flotation system of laurylamine. 研究了月桂胺浮选体系中,硫化钠和月桂胺的不同加药方式对氧化锌矿(菱锌矿和异矿的混合物)浮游性的影...
The meaning of SMITHSONITE is a mineral that is a carbonate of zinc and constitutes a minor ore of zinc.
Smithsonite definition: a native carbonate of zinc, ZnCO3, that is an important ore of the metal.. See examples of SMITHSONITE used in a sentence.
英['smɪθsənaɪt] 美['smɪθsənˌaɪt] 是什么意思 n. 菱锌矿; 学习怎么用 权威例句 smithsonite Smithsonite smithsonite Raman spectroscopy of smithsonite Thermal analysis of smithsonite and hydrozincite Dissolution kinetics of smithsonite ore in ammonium chloride solution ...
Zinc carbonate mineral, ore of zinc, minor gemstoneArticle by: Hobart M. King, PhD, RPGSmithsonite Colors: Smithsonite specimens in spectacular colors are popular with mineral collectors. Clockwise from top left: a yellow cadmian smithsonite with a botryoidal habit from Arkansas, 6.6 x 4.4 x ...
英汉-汉英词典 n. 菱锌矿 英语例句库 1.on the impact of the different methods of adding sodium sulfide and laurylamine on the floatability of zinc oxide ore (mixture of smithsonite and hemimorphite) in the flotation system of laurylamine. 研究了月桂胺浮选体系中,硫化钠和月桂胺的不同加药方式对...
词条smithsonite在西班牙语»英语中的译文 相关的个性化匹配翻译 calamina smithsonite 到英语_美式英语 您希望如何使用 广告版的PONS 像往常一样访问PONS.com并进行广告跟踪和广告投放 接受并继续有关追踪的详细信息,请参阅数据保护信息和隐私设置。