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At Smiths Interconnect FY18 Americas Sales Meeting held this week in Charleston, SC, Kensington Electronics, Inc., was awarded the Americas Distributor of the Year for the amount of design-in activity generated by Kensington's sales team. Kensington's Vice President, Casey Cavender, says "We ...
At Smiths Interconnect FY18 Americas Sales Meeting held this week in Charleston, SC, Kensington Electronics, Inc., was awarded the Americas Distributor of the Year for the amount of design-in activity generated by Kensington's sales team. Kensington's Vice President, Casey Cavender, says "We ...
Charleston, SC: In association with local churches and synagogues, The Charleston Museum will present an original exhibition, Sterling Faith: 300 Years of Charleston's Sacred Silver. The exhibit, focusing on unique ceremonial and sacred treasures never before exhibited publicly, will run from June ...