Smiths Medical, a division of global technology business Smiths Group, has received a key clearance from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to launch an advanced version of its portable infusion system designed specifically for home care. The new CADD®-Solis VIP, which can now be ma...
Smiths Medical warns on some infusion pumps April 4, 2024BySean Whooley An urgent field safety notice issued in Europe warns of software issues with some CADD-Solis ambulatory infusion pumps made by Smiths Medical. The ICU Medical unit corrected some issues in previous software updates but some...
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Smiths Medical的市场领先输液系统CADD®-Solis和Medfusion®的补充产品组合包括用于成人和新生儿重症监护、手术室以及医院和居家疼痛管理的针筒和流动泵。在Ivenix输液系统加入Smiths Medical的美国市场产品阵容后,Smiths Medical将加快其在大容量输液设备细分市场的供货,该细分市场总额估计超过20亿美元。 马萨诸塞大学阿默...
如今,FDA每年接报的150万起药物不良事件中,输注相关差错占50%以上1,因输注相关药物不良事件而导致的年医疗保健系统支出超过20亿美元2。 Smiths Medical的市场领先输液系统CADD®-Solis和Medfusion®的补充产品组合包括用于成人和新生儿重症监护、手术室以及医院和居家疼痛管理的针筒......
Smiths Medical’s complementary portfolio of market-leading infusion systems CADD®-Solis and Medfusion® include syringe and ambulatory pumps that serve adult and neonatal critical care, operating rooms, and pain management in both the hospital and home. By adding the Ivenix Infusion System to...
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We won a Medical Design Excellence Awards gold medal in 2010 for our Uniperc percutaneous trach design used in obese patients. And we have taken market share with this product. In the CADD product range, we have successfully introduced CADD Solis VIP in Canada into the homecare environment ...
Revolutionising portable medication delivery Smiths Medical's revolutionary CADD®-Solis portable medication delivery system eases patients' pain enabling them to stay mobile whilst undergoing treatment. CADD®-Solis is a clinically and technologically advanced system that administers pain relief medication...