虽然史密斯集团做出了剥离医疗业务的决定,但首席执行官Andy Reynolds也直言表示健康领域很具有前景。 2019年8月27日,史密斯医疗宣布与Medline Industries合作分销Portex®acapella®Choice振动式PEP治疗仪。Portex®acapella®Choice设备是市场...
“Innovation is a cornerstone of Smiths Medical. As a leader in airway management solutions, we are proud that our Acapella device can facilitate the use of this non-invasive breakthrough test that can detect lung cancer at its earliest stages when treatment can be most effective and lives can...
In the US, Smiths Medical is benefiting from the move towards treatment of illnesses in their chronic, rather than acute stages. A number of airway management products and ambulatory pumps already address this trend – such as the CADD ambulatory infusion pump range and the Portex Acapella ...
虽然史密斯集团做出了剥离医疗业务的决定,但首席执行官Andy Reynolds也直言表示健康领域很具有前景。 2019年8月27日,史密斯医疗宣布与Medline Industries合作分销Portex®acapella®Choice振动式PEP治疗仪。Portex®acapella®Choice设备是市场领先的振动PEP设备,用于移动分泌物和开放气道。Medline Industries,Inc.是美国最...