Smith’s PP1 Pocket Pal Knife Sharpener Review –Amazon/Blade HQ First things first, I had to find a knife that was dull enough to help me review this kind of knife sharpener properly. Unfortunately, all my knives are (more or less) sharp, so I decided to cheat by purposefully blunting...
Eliot Smith, Knife SharpenerRichardson, Kay
首页家居厨卫厨房用品$49.99 Smith Pro Edge Elite电动磨刀器 去购买 更新于2012-08-31 [已过期]Smith Pro Edge Elite电动磨刀器 $49.99 只限今天(Sep 1), woot!:Smith Pro Edge Elite电动磨刀器现价$49.99加$5运费。 3年Smith’s保修期。 点击购买>> English woot! 写评论 去购买...