Smith model 57 and 19-3...0S&W Revolvers: 1961 to 1980 BOOKS FOR SALE--NRA Firearms Classics Library15Accessories/Misc - For Sale or Trade Interesting 610-1 dilemma5S&W Revolvers: 1980 to the Present potential 3913 purchase24Smith & Wesson Semi-Auto Pistols ...
4506 Magazines, just a bit too short.20Smith & Wesson Semi-Auto Pistols 60-15 3" sight question1S&W Revolvers: 1980 to the Present Please help dating several S&W's10S&W Revolvers: 1961 to 1980 **SOLD** WTS: S&W Model of 1955 Pre-25 Target1GUNS - For Sale or Trade ...