After proposing several ideas, we came to the conclusion that for this patch, we will be unbanning the bottom half of the banned gods from 10.13, and banning 16 gods that rose to the top in 10.13 along the same guidelines we used originally – win, pick, and ban rates. We will not n...
9回复贴,共1页 <返回smite吧【情报】后羿patch note及其他 只看楼主收藏回复 雷雷雷尾巴 牛头怪 7 话说OMG这次SWC的表现好评蛮多呢~~ 送TA礼物 回复 1楼2015-01-10 14:58 雷雷雷尾巴 牛头怪 7 新征服地图情报来源:Smite Datamining图太多我懒得贴(任性)~~独眼巨人、凤凰、GF都有了新建模和上色。