To do this, openFile Explorerand navigate to the location where you installed the game. Once you’re inside, look for the Easy Anti Cheat installer (commonly namedEasyAntiCheat_Setup.exe). When you manage to locate it, right-click on it and chooseRun as Administratorfrom the context menu....
启动错误|Easy Anti-Cheat is not installed|EasyAntiCheat_EOS|服务未安装|smite|神之浩劫|3D版LOL 1452 2 25:45 App Venenu猪猪:我的一击秒杀! 7079 52 26:31 App ProView西弗高分局:血腥怪物! 63 -- 18:01 App Xhitoman罗波那:当我得到反击时,感觉多么好啊! 74 -- 18:07 App 残酷编织者阿拉克尼...
Smite Public Test A guide to uninstall Smite Public Test from your PC Hi-Rez Studios here 334215040 AutoReporter.exe (60.81 KB) EasyAntiCheat_Setup.exe (762.63 KB) FlashInstallWrapper.exe (12.95 KB) flashplayer_10_3r183_90_win.exe (2.95 MB)...