Smiling Friends follows the employees of a small company dedicated to bringing happiness to a bizarre yet colorful world.
Ask any woman and she will say, “It just does.” I guess it’s because you can’t believe that your ex can move on that quickly, and the reality of thedivorce hits home.You are really doing this. It also feels unfair—like why does he get to be happy and enjoy a new relationsh...
After Mollie was born, Heckerling stepped away from film and developed “Fast Times at Ridgemont High” into a TV series for CBS. Although it lasted only seven episodes, the experience swept the director back to her college days when she used to direct her own scripts. “It was so much m...
That said, I feel like this is different. This man has shown he cannot be faithful time and time and time again. These three cheating episodes are only three that the woman knows about. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were more. Let’s talk about the wife. I don’t want to judge...
long time. I now go to the gym, spend time with friends, travel and get to focus on myself more then I would have ever done had I stayed with him, I was set free and I have no regrets now. Years ago I would have never felt this way, so trust me I know the pain you all ...