When you feel happy, you use a smiling face. When you agree, you send a thumbs-up竖起大拇指). We have never used emojis while messaging(发信息)our friends asmuch as we do today. That might be 1B earlier this month Oxford Dictionaries chose theface with tears of joy" emoji_A2 their...
myEmoji (myEmoji): 🥺🤣😍😆😅😂😭😆😃😀☺️😊😇🙂🥰💍🎓🧢🧣👑👓🎒👜💼👣🖕✌️👍👎👊✊👌🙏👋😩 - Message cv2bHM - iEmoji.com
When you feel happy,you use a smiling face.When you agree,you send athumbs-up.We have never used emijis while messaging our friends as much as wedo today.That might be why Oxford Dictionaries chose the"face with tears ofjoy"emoji as their"World of the year 2015." ...
The word"emoji"comes from Japanese.It means"pictureCharacter".And it was just added to Oxford Dictionaries in 2013.When you feel happy,you use a smiling face.When you agree,you send athumbs-up.We have never used emijis while messaging our friends as much as wedo today.That might be why...
The word"emoji"comes from Japanese.It means"pictureCharacter".And it was just added to Oxford Dictionaries in 2013.When you feel happy,you use a smiling face.When you agree,you send athumbs-up.We have never used emijis while messaging our friends as much as wedo today.That might be why...