This earlier portable fax machine from Reflection Technology weighed eight ounces, worked with most cellphones and stored 25 fax pages. Its virtual display simulated a 12" monitor, and its "virtual keyboard" (lever and buttons on top) let you select menu options. (Image courtesy of Reflection ...
To create custom actions that can be executed from the menu, with keyboard shortcuts, or when the clipboard changes: go to the Command dialog (F6 shortcut) click the Add button, then select a predefined command, or create a new one optionally change the command details (shortcut, name) ...
A. Emojis- a new way of communicationthe Oxford English Dictionary.New emojis are invented every year and added to emoji keyboardsB. How often do you use emojis?C. Popular emoji list uncovered!Face with Tears of Joy was one of the most popular emojis in the past fiveD. The story behind...
Too many teens have no idea of social interaction without a keyboard. Technology has left, in its wake, a generation of folks who cannot function without a keypad in their hands. Mr. Manecke brings to the teen level a set of skills and actions that have almost vanished from a teen’s ...
Keyboard PressKey(key) Press and release a specific key. PressHotkey("ctrl","shift","c") Press a hotkey (combination) Type(text="Hello world!", interval_seconds=0.01) Types text with a specified interval in seconds CapsLock() Press the Caps Lock key. NumLock() Press the Num Lock ...
It is possible to # search using the keyboard; to jump to the search box use <access key> + S # (what the <access key> is depends on the OS and browser, but it is typically # <CTRL>, <ALT>/, or both). Inside the search box use the <cursor down # key> to jump into the...
"At least one resulting file name ends with a whitespace character or a dot, which is not allowed.": "Almeno un nome file risultante termina con uno spazio vuoto o un punto, il che non è consentito.", "Duplicate keyboard combination": "Combinazione tasti duplicata", "File is not na...
If your search results are empty, a little welcome text with some useful keyboard shortcuts will be displayed. If you don't have any saved searches yet, a few sample searches will be created. This is shown in the screen-shot below: Note: If you have upgraded this package and entered th...
If your search results are empty, a little welcome text with some useful keyboard shortcuts will be displayed. If you don't have any saved searches yet, a few sample searches will be created. This is shown in the screen-shot below: Note: If you have upgraded this package and entered th...