Determine the meaning of the file system error obtained and take appropriate actions. Information about file system errors appears in the Guardian Procedure Errors and Messages Manual. 5045 SMF detected a system resource problem in configured primary CPU. Configured backup process will work as primary...
The <> have the following meaning <ch> ch=<num> <note> n=<noteval> [note=<noteval>] <vol> v=<num> [vol=<num>] <val> v=<num> [val=<num>] <con> c=<num> [con=<num>] <prog> p=<num> [prog=<num>] <manor> minor or major <noteval> either a <num> or A-G option...
SyntaxMeaningPriority SID(xxxx,ser#[,ser#]...)If the serial numberser#matches, the SID isxxxx.1 SID(xxxx,SYSNAME(sysname))If the system name (sysname) matches, the SID isxxxx.1 SID(xxxx,COMBIN(ser#[,ser#]...))If any of the listed serial numbers match, the SID isxxxx.1 ...
SyntaxMeaningPriority SID(xxxx,ser#[,ser#]...)If the serial numberser#matches, the SID isxxxx.1 SID(xxxx,SYSNAME(sysname))If the system name (sysname) matches, the SID isxxxx.1 SID(xxxx,COMBIN(ser#[,ser#]...))If any of the listed serial numbers match, the SID isxxxx.1 ...
SyntaxMeaningPriority SID(xxxx,ser#[,ser#]...) If the serial number ser# matches, the SID is xxxx. 1 SID(xxxx,SYSNAME(sysname)) If the system name (sysname) matches, the SID is xxxx. 1 SID(xxxx,COMBIN(ser#[,ser#]...)) If any of the listed serial numbers match, the SID is ...
SyntaxMeaningPriority SID(xxxx,ser#[,ser#]...) If the serial number ser# matches, the SID is xxxx. 1 SID(xxxx,SYSNAME(sysname)) If the system name (sysname) matches, the SID is xxxx. 1 SID(xxxx,COMBIN(ser#[,ser#]...)) If any of the listed serial numbers match, the SID is ...