在当今全球化的贸易环境中,企业的社会责任以及对环境、员工的尊重已变得越发重要。这其中,SMETA 4-pillars AUDIT(四柱道德审计)成为了很多供应商和买家通行的审计方式。#smeta4p# 什么是SMETA?SMETA,即Sedex成员道德贸易审核,是一个全面的、明确的道德审核方法,它关注企业的工商业行为是否负责任。SMETA分为两种类型...
as well as relevant local laws. SMETA audits can be conducted againsttwo or four auditing pillars. The two mandatory pillars for any SMETA audit are Labor Standards and Health & Safety. The additional two pillars in a 4-pillar audit are Business Ethics and ...
The two additional pillars of a 4-pillar audit are Business Ethics and Environment. They were introduced to further deepen the social responsibility aspect of SMETA audits. SMETA 2 Pillar Audits The SMETA 2-pillar audit gives you an indication of your supplier’s adherence to ethical working ...
很多的外贸接单都遇到过这个头疼的问题,国外买家要求SMETA Audit Report越来越多,可能SMETA验厂已经成为许多跨国公司用于管理供应链管理的重要环节。其实SMETA验厂是一种评估制造商(产品供应商或服务商)供应链道德和可持续性的方法。对于外贸企业来说来说,通过SMETA验厂可以展示其符合道德和可持续性标准的能力,从而赢得...
SMETA(Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit)即Sedex系统配套的道德贸易审核标准。 也就是买家所谓的Sedex-SMETA-Audit,是大多数欧美买家接收的通用审核报告。验厂审核内容覆盖四个支柱。 The 4 pillars of a SMETA & SMETA审核验厂方式,供4个模块由工厂自由选择: SMETA-2pillar审核:劳工标准(Labour Standards)+健康和...
4.宿舍区域需每半年至少进行一次夜间消防演习,确保员工熟悉正确的逃生路线和逃生技巧 5.楼梯间内不应设置烧水间、可燃材料储藏室、垃圾道。 所以厂房、消防、宿舍等物理设施也不同,我们无法去统一。这些都是要通过实地考察才能够发现问题,因此实施SEDEX认证前,联系速讯咨询的专家,先对工厂进行模拟审核,查看缺陷,及时...
In a 4-Pillar audit, the standards determined through a membership process and a multi-stakeholder consultation, regulate the extra pillars of Environment (comprehensive version) and Business Ethics. SMETA 2-Pillar Audit Checklist Labour Standards ...
Check the Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA) Measurement Criteria This Measurement Criteria for conducting SMETA audits has been developed by the current members of the Sedex Stakeholder Forum (SSF). The Measurement Criteria covers the mandatory 2 pillars of Labour Standards and Health and Safe...
SMETA audits can be conducted against either two or four pillars, depending on the needs of supply chains. The two mandatory pillars are Labor Standards and Health & Safety. The two additional pillars of a 4-pillar audit are Business Ethics and Environment. The latest version of SMETA, SMETA...
SedexMembersEthicalTradeAudit(SMETA)BestPracticeGuidance(Version6.1,May2019) 3 JoinnowsedexglobalBacktocontentsd 5.2 Noti cationofAudit17 5.3 SequenceofAudits18 5.4 Frequencyofaudits19 5.5 4-PillarSMETAaudits19 Chapter3(Sections6-7)AuditExecution ...