It's not really a sweat/BO smell more of a musty/damp smell. It's been noticed by other people too. He showers every day, used deodorant, his clothes are washed. His room is kept in a reasonable state, windows are opened daily, bedding changed weekly, dusted and vacuumed weekly. He...
→ Wash your clothes before using the Styler or run the [Heavy] cycle in the [Refresh] menu or run [Sanitary]. It removes the odors on your clothes more effectively if you use the Styler right after the odors are absorbed into the fabric. If odors still remain on your clothes after th...
Byline: DAVID DERBYSHIRESWEATY socks could soon be consigned to the laundry bin of history.British inventors have come up with a fibre which keeps clothes fresh, no matter how long they are worn.The miracle cloth, which could one day revolutionise washing habits, contains a chemical which ...
very probably needs digging out and replacing with new. Not a complex job for a builder or a burly woman. Quite a nice job in warm sunny weather. You dig a bigger hole than the socket or gulley, because very often there is a break where it connects to the next piece. The leak washe...
Washing sportswear with extra detergent helps but is time and energy consuming. Also, until you get to it, that ever increasing pile stale clothes is still there emitting its pungent scent. And spraying stinky work boots and running shoes only helps so much. ...
it started when i was dyeng my pants with chlorox...much known here in the philippines as xonrox for bleaching clothes..then i went to sleep in my room with the dyed pants and chlorox.. the next dye i woke up.. my jaw was aching and i felt was night again.. i ...
cleaning, the cotton and rubber parts of common insoles usually disintegrate. Sole socks on the other hand are tightly stitched to stay in tacked. They are not sensitive to the manner of cleaning. They can be tossed in the washer together with your other clothes whenever you’re doing the ...
India is a hot and humid country, and people often perspire after medium to vigorous physical activity leading to foul-smelling body, clothes, and shoes. People regularly bathe and wash cloths, but shoes are seldom washed, and without proper ventilation, it becomes a breeding ground for a ...
If you can add hot water and 2 cups of bleach, run the washing machine (do not put any clothes). After washing, the environment is moist and sealed. This is an excellent condition for mold growth. So once the washing machine stops running, it is necessary to take out towels immediately...
After bathing, dry the inside of the navel to prevent bacterial growth. Wear clothes made of cotton or silk, and this can help the skin to breathe. Wear loose-fitting clothing, which can reduce the irritation of your navel. Avoid using any creams and moisturizers on the navel. This will ...