Angry Orange is a smell that cats hate and is actually pretty pleasant to others. It smells like straight oranges. I bought the spray bottle and the concentrated refill bottle. Because I am CP phobic, I put a lot of the concentrated angry orange in a spray bottle and a little bit of ...
Smell the flower.───闻闻这朵花。 英语使用场景 smell the smell of roses smells cats hate smells begone smell crossword smelling salts smell water smells like teen spirit lyrics smell blood smell the flower
1 [countableC]SMELLthe quality that people and animals recognize by using their nose气味 smell of The air was filled with the smell of flowers. 空气中弥漫着花香。 What’s that horrible smell? 是什么味道,这么难闻? 2 [countableC]SMELLan unpleasant smell难闻的气味,臭味 ...
•Where's thatsmellcoming from?•And it's not just thedizzyingdevelopmentand thesmellof money thatpervadesthe downtown area.•The food looked good, but thesmellwasawful.•I reallyhatethesmellofstalebeer.•Thestenchof thefloorwas close to him, thesmellofvomitand ofurine.•There was ...
anything they rub against. Which is mostly my carpet, couches and their dog beds. In my experience, cats don’t smell bad unless they spray or pee on things. But dogs are a whole other animal. They just naturally stink. I had to figure out how to remove the dog smell from my house...
That's right - a small herb garden can go a long way in repelling mosquitoes in Washington. All you need are basil, bay, lavender, sage, and thyme. If you own dogs or cats, do not get bay or lavender.Bay is toxic to dogs and cats, and can cause vomiting or diarrhea.Lavender is...
Please Note: Cats peeing in the home could be a sign of a medical problem (such as kidney or bladder infections). Check with your vet. Also test a new brand of litter or add an extra (or larger) litter box, sometimes that’s all it takes to get things back on track. ...
In front of my house and all around Michigan, there are these beautiful trees that I look forward to seeing bloom every year. The lovely white blossoms stand out and can be seen most of the spring. However, it comes with one unfortunate caveat: it smells absolutely atrocious. ...
If you've been around these trees while it is blooming, you'll know that they smell awful. Like, reallyreallybad. My parents have always likened the scent torotting fish,a woman's...ya know, or a man's...excitement. I think you get the idea. But why does this tree emit this sc...
We have lived in several homes with disturbing smells. One was a trailer where cats had urinated in carpeted rooms and the carpet reeked especially on damp days. Cats also apparently loved to pee into your registers. We also once had a strange pile of goo in our vents that just reeked....