Getting rid of the food source and adding a couple traps may solve a minor cockroach problem. However, if the infestation appears to be well-established and you’re finding that the insects are getting food in more than one location, contact a pest control company to tackle the problem more...
of bloody discharge and meat scraps which gave offbadsmell fromtimeto time and caused cockroach and rodent infestation problems. 梁家傑議員: 主席,本人最近接獲觀塘區居民的投訴,指其居所 樓下有小部分濕貨檔攤的檔主於收鋪後未有進行徹底的清潔工作,使 血水及肉類渣滓積存,不...
accumulation of bloody discharge and meat scraps whichgaveoffbadsmellfromtime to time and caused cockroach and rodent infestation problems. 梁家傑議員: 主席,本人最近接獲觀塘區居民的投訴,指其居所 樓下有小部分濕貨檔攤的檔主於收鋪後未有進行徹底的清潔工作,使 血水及肉類渣滓...
of bloody discharge and meat scraps which gave off bad smell from time to time and caused cockroach and rodent infestation problems. 梁家傑議員: 主席,本人最近接獲觀塘區居民的投訴,指其居所 樓下有小部分濕貨檔攤的檔主於收鋪後未有進行徹底的清潔工作,使 血水及肉類渣滓積存,不時發出...
accumulation of bloody discharge and meat scraps whichgave offbadsmellfromtime to time and caused cockroach and rodent infestation problems. 梁家傑議員: 主席,本人最近接獲觀塘區居民的投訴,指其居所 樓下有小部分濕貨檔攤的檔主於收鋪後未有進行徹底的清潔工作,使 血水及肉類渣...