Forget the old rumors about cell phones being a major source of germs; yourwashing machine(especially a front loader) has got them beat, unless you take proper care. In fact, to achieve clean, fresh, hygienic clothes, you have to re-learn how to keep your washing machine clean … the r...
Don’t forget to clean your washing machine too! There is nothing worse than picking out your favourite outfit only to discover it has a musty damp clothes smell lingering. Don’t panic, we have an easy guide forhow to get damp smells out of clothes, and prevent them in the future. ...
3.Overloaded washing machine Now, when you’re having a shower, we’re guessing you move around a bit to make sure you’re getting good and clean. You don’t curl yourself up in a ball. Clothes need space to move too, otherwise, they’re not going to get properly cleaned. ...
If you have ever left your laundry in the washing machine for days, you know the exact mildew laundry smell that I am talking about. And yes, it’s disgusting! How to Get Mildew Smell Out of Clothes Let’s talk about how to get rid of mildew smell out of clothes. Whether you left ...
machines can harbor bacteria, hard water buildup, and mildew in all the tiny spaces throughout their interiors. So, it's a good idea to thoroughly clean yours every two to three months. And luckily, in order to get your washing machinereallyclean, you only need a few simple household ...
Allow the washing machine to dry Leave the lid or door open to allow the washer to dry thoroughly. Also, keep the detergent drawer open to aid in drying. Clean the pump filter (Front Load models only) Front load models typically have a pump filter near the bottom front behind a panel....
Rinse your washing machine out with vinegar to clean out any funky smells and grime from dirty clothes. Sprinkle Baking Soda into your disposal and then pour vinegar on top to clean out the funky smells there. Use Baking Soda and vinegar together in the toilet and shower. ...
If you see mold in your washing machine, or your clothes come out smelling like mildew each time you wash, you need to clean your washer. Let our guide show you what you need to do.
To prevent mildew smell, it is important to regularly clean and maintain your towels. Make sure to wash them after every use, especially if they have come into contact with sweat or other bodily fluids. It is also important to periodically clean your washing machine and dryer to prevent the...
1 Check Your Washing Machine Did you know that washing machines can become a bit smelly if you don’t clean them regularly? Dirt and bacteria can build up inside washing machines, which makes it more difficult for your detergent to give you fresh smelling laundry. The good news is that ...