Cigarette smoking by itself does not cause complete loss of the sense of smell. Humans may have two nostrils, but these don't necessarily share the same sense of smell. Wild cats have a well developed sense of smell and hearing. These animals track their prey using their excellent sense of...
Have you ever walked into a room that had the smell of cigarette smoke, regardless of the fact that a fan was moving the air and no one was smoking at the time? This is what researchers are calling third-hand smoke — and it represents the poisonous deposits (存积物) that are left ...
I think so much focus has been on the smoke itself that little attention is given to the surface residue in a room that someone was smoking in, and what continues to linger in the air from that residue (if you can smell it, something is airborne). I can only offer that there might ...
And of course they say NO. Also I sometimes ride the bus into work and while sitting there looking out the window I smell smoke, it smells like someone is smoking a cigarette, but they not. Does anyone know what this means? Is there some significance to this? Am I alone here or are...
the international agency for re-search on cancer says this disease kills more than one hundred thousand people each year. doctors say cigarette smoking is the leading cause of bladder cancer. 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: 36. dogs have a very good of smell and are often used to search for...
The library was full of musty old books which no one wanted to read. 图书馆里全是发了霉的旧书,没有人要看。 stale /steɪl/ [adjective] having a smell that is not fresh, especially because you can still smell something such as old cigarette smoke or old cooking smells 〔气味〕不新鲜...
Nobody really likes the smell of cigarette smoke. In the cold winter, more of us do smoke indoors. We all want to get rid of the cigarette smoke as soon as possible, and opening a window doesn’t really help that much. The reason for getting rid of cigarette smoke is simple. The sm...
Another hot topic these days iscigarette smokeand the associated health risks. I’m not doing this podcast to tell you to stop smoking. I’m sure you have a number of people already on your case about that. My plea is that you take care to avoid offending anyone with the smoke. ...
Beginning at approximately 60 years of age there may be some loss of smell. This may be due to many factors that include Alzheimer’s disease, cigarette smoking, dental issues, facial orhead injuries, some medications (particularly angiotensin-converting enzyme [ACE] inhibitors and beta blockers)...
Elizabeth knocked on the door.When he opened the door, a huge wave of cigarette smoke came out. Elizabeth began coughing. "Are yourying to get me sick?" the neighbor asked her. Elizabeth couldn't believe what he was saying. "No, but youare, "she said.()1. Why did Elizabeth call ...