Good hygiene is the best way to prevent smegma buildup. Wash your penis or vaginal area with warm water once a day. Cleaning smegma with foreskin Men who still have their foreskin should gently clean underneath it. Because young boys can also get smegma, parents should wash their penis gentl...
Smegma is a buildup of oils, other fluids, and dead skin cells that accumulates in the genital area. It’s most commonly found in men who are uncircumcised, but can occur in anyone. Although it’s generally harmless and easily treatable, it’s best to regularly wash your genital area to...
Smegma build up... By RFGF160837 | 1 post, last post over a year agoKate Smith answered this Personal Hygiene And The Uncircumcised Penis: Smegma and Some Pointers For Young Men Read more New Reply Follow New Topic RFGF160837 over a year ago Umm so im kinda worried a...
Smegma, also known as "dick cheese," may seem pretty gross, but it's common. Here's how to prevent it.