“smear layer”(涂抹层)是特定操作过程中在物体表面形成的无结构物质层,主要与牙科修复及医学细胞学检测相关。其作用与处理方式在不同领域中存在显著差异,具体如下: 一、牙科中的涂抹层 在牙齿修复过程中,器械切割或碾磨牙体组织时,产生的碎屑与有机成分混合形成“smear layer”。该层厚度...
必应词典为您提供smearlayer的释义,网络释义: 玷污层;涂抹层;管壁玷污层;
玷污层(smear layer):备洞时高热磨削,切下的牙本质微屑中有机物变性, 与被切断小管的溢出液、唾液和一些微生物相混合,在钻磨压力作用下使之贴于洞壁形成牙本质玷污
根管玷污层(smear layer) 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 正确答案:根管玷污层:主要由牙本质和牙髓组织碎屑组成,在感染根管内还可见微生物;位于牙本质表面和牙本质小管内。根管玷污层是根管微渗漏的通道和细菌繁殖的培养基,在根管充填前应去除。反馈 收藏
The smear layer in endodontics -- a review. Int Endod J 2010;43:2--15.Violich DR, Chandler NP. The smear layer in endodontics: a review. Int Endod J. 2010 Jan;43(1):2-15.Violich DR, Chandler NP. The smear layer in endodontics - a review. International endodontic journal. ...
smear layer due to its micro-porous structure [7]. The smear layer is mainly composed ofhydroxyapatiteand collagen that is denatured by the friction and heat during tooth preparation [8]. It has been suggested that the smear layer should be removed prior to the application of the bonding ...
smear layer a layer (about 0.5-1.0-mcm thick) of grinding debris that is burnished to tooth enamel or dentin when the tooth is cut. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 smear lay·er (smēr lāĕr) A layer of grinding debris that is burnished to tooth enamel or dentin when...
网络玷污层 网络释义 1. 玷污层 根管内玷污层(smear-layer):指贴附在根管壁上的由坏死组织、细菌、 www.docstoc.com|基于 1 个网页 释义: 全部,玷污层
smear layeracid etchingself-etching primersAdhesion to enamel has become a routine technique in restorative dentistry. Adhesion to dentin, however, is still under investigation. Except structural elements of the dentin, smear layer has been one of the reasons that the interaction between the adhesive...