Sme内的drm方法和设备以及提供drm服务的方法doi:WO2011006282 A1WOZhiyuan Hu胡志远Wen Wei魏文Xiaorong Jin金晓蓉Zhigang Luo骆志刚See also references of WO2011006282A1
DIGITAL RIGHTS MANAGEMENT (DRM) METHOD AND APPARATUS IN SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISE (SME) AND METHOD FOR PROVIDING DRM SERVICE The present invention proposes a method for providing the user with the customized DRM software by the service provider, wherein a universal DRM system is installed and ...
人物简介: 一、张保梅担任职务:张保梅目前担任济南历下贝林科技服务部法定代表人;二、张保梅投资情况:目前张保梅投资济南历下贝林科技服务部最终收益股份为0%;老板履历 图文概览商业履历 任职全景图 投资、任职的关联公司 商业关系图 一图看清商业版图
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The present invention proposes a method for providing the user with the customized DRM software by the service provider, wherein a universal DRM system is installed and operated in said service provider, and a standard DRM software template is as well stored in said service provider, when the ...
A method for providing a customized DRM software to a user by a service provider. A general DRM system is installed and run in the service provider, and a standard DRM software template is stored in it. When a request for customizing the DRM software is sent from the user to the service...