The title of all the terms of this Agreement is convenient for reading only, has no practical meaning in itself, and cannot be used as the basis for the interpretation of the meaning of this Agreement.A. Agreement formation and changes
Understand and verify the meaning, evolution of, and the interrelationship between key strategic events from a longitudinal and historical perspective reflecting the habitus. Gather direct quotes and systematic evidence on the key events and decisions, discuss managerial perceptions/reflections, and make se...
A total of 306 responses was received, among which 15 company representatives answered the survey multiple times, meaning overlapping responses had to be deleted. Four respondents did not give their company names, and those responses were also deleted because we could not acquire financial data on ...
It is a world of change in which we live, and a world of uncertainty...If we are to understand the workings of the economic system we must examine the meaning and significance of uncertainty; and to this end some inquiry into the nature and function of knowledge itself is necessary." -...
(ED = 0.49, 0.48 and 0.16, respectively). This difference may be explained by the meaning of the term that sustainability may possess in different languages. Sustainability, in fact, is not a clear concept. Most SME managers related this concept to responsibility for ‘green business’, ...
They include the social model (which also creates value other than economic by having a positive social impact), the lean model (involving optimization of the use of all forms of capital) and an integrated model (meaning managing the economic and non-economic impact of the process of creating...