- 为企业研发团队提供安全开发咨询服务。 - 评估评审应用开发安全。 能力要求: - 熟悉安全开发 SDL 流程,熟悉常见的 CICD 工具如Gitlab, Jenkens等。 - 对应用安全漏洞原理,危害,验证方式和防御方式有一定理解。 - 熟悉敏捷开发流程。 - 具备跨团队沟通能力。
You can work freelance or look for a full-time remote job. As you gain experience and grow your network, you'll slowly build your credibility as a consultant and subject matter expert. If this sounds like a role for you, start with these steps: Define your niche: What are you an exper...
1、负责大众点评、微信、抖音、微博、百度sem等新媒体平台的内容创意撰写审核和更新发布,日常化运营和活动推广方案策划并执行落地。 2、公众号预约运营管理与分配、提升粉丝数量和活跃度。 3、跟踪以上渠道投放数据分析,并制定kpi考核,进行分析总结优化和改善。
Job Description:We are looking for an Interface Integration Subject Matter Expert (SME) whowill primarily be responsible for the following areas:Manage and implement the integration of new middleware (Mulesoft) tofacilitate communication between external 3PL/4PL and Roche internasystems.Ensure the effici...
We are looking for Freelance or full time technical developer who has good amount of technical exposure on Microsoft PowerAPP and Canvas APP writing the Java Scrip for querying the data JavaScript $8 / hr (Avg Bid) Convert inDesign document to a word document 6 days left Hello, I'm ...
When it comes to developing a great curriculum for the employees in your organization or your customers, finding the right SME and building up that relationship can mean the difference between a smooth, efficient process and a never-ending loop of complexity. As workplace educators, our job is...
INDIA SBR CV Towers, Unit #203, Suite #577, HUDA Techno Enclave, Madhapur, Hyderabad, Telangana- 500081. contact@techsme.com Get Updates And Stay Connected -Subscribe To Our Newsletter Subscribe Your Trusted IT services Provider. At TechSME we believe in quality services to our clients. We...
(Technically it doesn’t matter which location you deploy the resource group too, but I suggest going with one that is supported by AKS and sticking with it throughout the setup.) Create a resource group with the az group create command. An Azure resource group is a logical group in ...
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小红书私域运营: 1、根据业务目标,制定小红书等账号的运营方案、活动策划、涨粉方案、私域运营策略,包含拉新、留存、促活、转化、裂变等,对GMV负责; 2、私域导流:通过运营小红书等多渠道引导用户添加企业微信号,对导流效率和导入用户量负责; 3、私域SOP:编辑企业微信、社群运营话术,管理规范、激励体系等,建立裂变、分享...