Keep your business safe with firewall, cloud, DDoS & identity security solutions. Protect your assets and ensure business continuity with BT's managed security controls.
Just as it is for large corporates, cybersecurity is a pressing issue for small businesses. The scale might be different, but the fundamental risk areas are similar. Indeed, criminals frequently target SMEs and start-ups in the knowledge they can often be a softer target with less resource ...
Enterprise grade Cyber Security for SME's with a “Security 1st” approach, delivered by friendly IT specialists via a responsive Helpdesk.
With cyber insurance from our partner Zurich, you can take preventive action to protect yourself, for example with the free cyber security training for you and your employees. This way, you won’t have to worry about business interruptions or damage to your company's reputation or client base...
INFORMATION SECURITY AND CYBERSECURITY ASSESSMENT IN SME - AN IMPLEMENTATION METHODOLOGYAzinheira, BrunoAntunes, MárioMaximiano, MarisaGomes, Ricardo P.Journal of Global Business & Technology
this in mind, Huawei teamed up with EIT Digital and the Global Digital Foundation to launch a Q&A Guide: Promoting Cybersecurity for SMEs in Europe this March. Today, Huawei presented the Slovenian edition of the guide at the conference titled "How to deal with current threats in cyber space...
End-to-End Enterprise-Level Cybersecurity Solutions for The SMB and SME Market. Trusted, Right For All Businesses Types and Affordable.
• eShore hosts complimentary cyber security events aimed at helping local businesses understand the key challenges and issues in cyber security, and how best to stay safe online. _• The CSXF cyber security fundamentals scholarship, now in its third year, helps local business people, including...
This cyber security platform enables small and medium-sized enterprises to protect their business from online threats like any major corporation. SMEsare a vital part of the economy. In Spain, they account for over 95% of companies and 90% of jobs. In recent years, they've faced an uphill... AWS-Quantum Valley: Building Future of AI-ML-Quant-Cyber-Crypto-Quantum Networks: Next 30-Years Beyond Past 30. Command & Controls Survival & Sustainability in Post-COVID19 World. C4I-Cyber™ leads USA and the World beyond AI-Supremacy and Quantum-Supremacy ...