MANILA, Philippines --- During a recent World Bank course, a paper was presented by IFC's Douglas Pearce on SME Finance in developing countries. The paper highlighted how small firms play a central role in the economy, and make important contribution to total employment, job creation and GDP...
to value creation, generating between 50 and 60% of value added on average. In emerging economies, SMEs contribute up to 45% of total employment and 33% of GDP. When taking the contribution of informal businesses into account, SMEs contribute to more than half of employment and GDP in most...
The book was developed under the leadership of Anders Aeroe, ITC Director, Division of Market Development, as a contribution to the ITC 50th anniversary. This included concept development, management and overall coordination. He was supported by a team including Rajesh Aggarwal, Acting Director, ...
The combination of the three latent variables and their impact on business performance highlights the essential role played in managing online SMEs and their contribution to the development of a sustainable Romanian economy in the future. The following section provides a review of relevant literature, ...