SURVEY Copter’s “off the shelf” Aliaca maritime UAS is a robust and resistant system to the corrosive maritime environment, an adapted solution to the electro-magnetic constrains on board, and benefits f...
正如我们所知,这种知道的所谓“附加含义”更接近于一种包含“知识”或“知道”语句的“修辞含义”(rhetoric meanings)、“语境意义”(contextual meaning)甚至是“会话含义”(conversational meanings)。在亨迪卡看来,它们值得被特别澄清和处理,...
Meaning(研究意义):本研究建立的预测模型有助于预测体外循环下心脏手术后AKI严重程度的风险预测,有望成为AKI发生前早期危险分层的重要手段。 讨论 1 临床预测模型的变量筛选 变量的筛选应遵循以下几点原则,首先就是要结合本专业的临床专业知识...
These verbal expressions may reflect their understanding of the meaning of the risk ("gist", Reyna and Brainerd 2011). It is thus extremely important that healthcare providers recognize the importance of this tremendous variability in the words patients use to interpret a single risk number.Ancker...
find the beauty and meaning of life 前言 为深入学习贯彻习近平总书记关于青年工作的重要思想,引导青年热爱阅读、勇攀科研高峰,让广大青年在奋斗中永远跟党走、奋斗新征程,在拼搏中激发创新创造力,外国语学院特此举办主题活动为“以书...
Meaning:体外循环期间维持最低氧供指数大于等于360 mL/min/m2,可显著降低婴幼儿心脏术后急性肾损伤的发生率。在年龄小于1岁、体外循环中最低温度大于32 ℃、体外循环中最低血红蛋白浓度小于8g/L、术前紫绀和体外循环时间为60-120分钟的患儿中,目标导...
Griffin, J., 1986, Well-Being: Its Meaning, Measurement and Moral Importance, Oxford: Oxford University Press. –––, 1996, Value Judgement, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Hare, R.M., 1981, Moral Thinking, Oxford: Oxford U...
Meaning: PaMscS纳米孔具有独特的“分子筛”结构,可在检测6%全血样本时保持稳定的开放状态,该特性使PaMscS用于对全血样本免前处理的直接检测成为可能,可发展为快速、便捷的单分子水平分辨率的药物监测技术。原始文献:Zhao, C., Wang, Y., Chen, C., Zhu, ...
特邀报告人及报告题目如下(按发言顺序):香港中文大学李行德教授(The acquisition of unaccusativity in Chinese: Evidence for constraints on form and meaning)、香港中文大学潘海华教授(Thematic hierarchy, causative hierarchy, and the inter...
I can understand the meaning of the story"I'm back home.". 我能理解“我回家了。”这个故事的意思。 I can sing the song"Animals are our friends. ". 我能唱“动物们是我们的朋友。”这首歌。 Excellent 优秀 Good 好 More work needed 需努力阅读...