1. PM-Scl1抗体阳性: PM-Scl代表“多发性肌炎/硬皮病重叠综合征”(Polymyositis/Scleroderma overlap syndrome)的抗体。当这种抗体检测呈阳性时,它通常与多发性肌炎、硬皮病或两者重叠的综合征有关。 患者可能会出现肌肉无力、皮肤硬化和其他与这些疾病相关的症状。 2. SMD1抗体阳性: SMD1是与系统性硬化症(也称为...
SMD Storage Module Device (interface standard for disk drives) SMD ScanMail for Domino (software) SMD Senior Managing Director SMD State Military Department (various locations) SMD Severely Mentally Disabled SMD Syndrome Myélodysplasique (French: Myelodysplastic Syndrome) SMD Storage Module Drive SMD Se...
manhooddeathsyndrome, SMDS) 朱少华 华中科技大学同济医学院法医学系 湖北同济法医学司法鉴定中心 是一种原因未明的猝死。 青壮年猝死综合征这一名称自日本渡边富雄1977年提 出以来,在法医检验中逐渐引起人们的重视。SMDS在国 外文献中报道较多,但国内报告的相对较少。 具有下述特点: ①死者生前身体健康,发育营养良好...
myelodysplastic syndromeatypical chronic granulocytic leukemiaimmatrue granulocyteBCR-ABLThe FAB group had recently describe cytologic criteria for an optimal definition of the atypical myeloproliferative diseases. These include in particular hematological malignancies whith t(5;12), t(8;13), and abnormal ...
产品别名: AGS 1; AGS1; AGS-1; Aicardi Goutieres syndrome 1; ATIP; ATM and Rad3 related interacting protein; ATM and Rad3-related-interacting protein; ATR interacting protein; ATR-interacting protein; Atrip; ATRIP_HUMAN; Deoxyribonuclease III dnaQ/mutD (E. coli) like; DKFZp434J0310; DKFZ...
THE SUPERIOR VENA CAVA SYNDROME; DIAGNOSTIC AND SURGICAL CONSIDERATIONS, CASE REPORTS Three cases of the superior vena cava syndrome are detailed, two of benign etiology and one due to malignancy. Surgery was performed to overcome the venous... EL Lowenberg,W Hotchkiss,S Mcdaniel - 《Diseases of...
方法采用酶联免疫吸附测定法(enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay,ELISA)检测150例SLE患者和216例非SLE对照血清的抗SmDl抗体,抗sm抗体和抗ds-DNA抗体,非SLE包括20例强直性脊柱炎(ankylosing spondylitis,AS),40例类风湿性关节炎(rheumatoid arthritis,RA),33例干燥综合征(Sjogren's syndrome,SS),53例系统性硬化症(...
the industry’s emphasis on creativity means that professionals are often expected to come up with fresh, innovative ideas on demand. This can cause a great deal of pressure and can lead to self-doubt and imposter syndrome. It’s important for those in the marketing sector to prioritise their...
Tlje Peutz-Jeghers SmdromeTlje Peutz-Jeghers SmdromeIn 1921 in Holland, Peutz1 first reported this interesting condition. Later, more elaborate attention was given to the syndrome by Jeghers, 2 and finally, in 1954, Bruwer et al3 bestowed the title of" Peutz-Jeghers syndrome" on this unusua...
Sjogren's Syndrome (SSautoimmune diseaseimmunosuppressionimmunomodulationObjective The aim of the study was to analyze the cytokine memory of Th cells derived from systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients and healthy donors enriched for autoantigen-specific T cells by in vitro stimulation with SmD1 ...