$ docker run --rm -v $PWD:/mnt terhorst/smcpp:latest [ARGUMENTS] To run a specific version of the program, change latest to version- followed by the version number. For example, to run v1.15.4, type: $ docker run --rm -v $PWD:/mnt terhorst/smcpp:version-1.15.4 [ARGUMENTS] ...
SMC ++是一个用于从整个基因组序列数据估算种群大小历史的程序。 内容 遇到麻烦该怎么办 档案格式 输入数据格式 输出数据格式 快速入门指南 请遵循安装说明。 使用vcf2smc将您的VCF转换为SMC ++输入格式: $ smc++ vcf2smc my.data.vcf.gz out/chr1.smc.gz chr1 Pop1:S1,S2 此命令将解析样本S1和S2的...
$ pip install git+https://github.com/popgenmethods/smcpp (Alternatively,git clonethe repository and run the usualpython setup.py install. Youmustclone. Downloading the source tarball will not work.) Versions of Clang shipping with Mac OS X do not currently supportOpenMP. In order to build ...
& Y) | (X & Z) | (Y & Z); } uint32_t SM3::ggFounction(uint32t , uint32_t Y, uint32_t Z) { return(X& Y) | (~X & Z); } uint32_t SM3::p0Function(uint32_t X) { returnX ^ leftRotate(X, 9) ^ (X, 17); } uint32_t SM3::p1...
sm3.cpp sm3.cpp3.41 KB 一键复制编辑原始数据按行查看历史 sjian提交于1年前.v01 #include"sm3.h" #define MAX_COUNT 100 voidSm3::toDigest(){ _digests.clear(); fill(); constintn=_digests.size()/16;//分组数量 std::vector<std::vector<uint32_t>>v(n+1); ...
SygateSmcPP.dll 文件列表文件大小X86/X64文件版本文件描述MD5 71K X86 1, 1, 0, 0 SygateSmcPP DLL A7E78AD5C449DD33CBB71DED925B7431 71K X86 SygateSmcPP DLL DEC1DE05FB9B1DDE1C9BDB8C7947AF75该文件总计2个版本,请下载到本地查看详情 如何选择&使用 第一步:您从我们网站下载下来...
自己动手写c++界面库 SmUI SmUI 界面库纯使用api实现, 所以不需要携带多余的运行时库。 界面库使用过程中最重要的就是消息捕获, 想要灵活操作控件, 就要能够捕获控件的各种消息, 实现这个目标有3个方案选择: 1、使用SetWindowsHookEx安装WH_CBT钩子 2、超类化标准控件类...
The effect of low or high E2 levels on Sm-C and growth have not been evaluated in children over prolonged periods. In this study we investigated the relationship between plasma E2 and Sm-C levels and pubertal growth in 21 girls with CPP, aged 4.5-8.8 yrs, after a mean duration of ...