SMC Singapore Medical Council SMC Siemens Matsushita Components SMC Standard Microsystems Corporation SMC Small and Medium Companies SMC Scottish Mountaineering Club SMC Scottish Music Centre (UK) SMC Super-Multi Coating (Pentax camera lens coating) SMC Société Marseillaise de Crédit (French bank) SMC...
SMC Scottish Medicines Consortium (UK)SMC Swedish Medical Center (Washington; Colorado)SMC Sindh Medical College (Karachi, Pakistan)SMC Singapore Medical Council SMC Sports Medicine Clinic SMC Stanley Medical College (Chennai, India)SMC Sudan Medical Care ...SM.-systolic murmur[收缩期杂音]
Re: Re: Scottish Medical Council (SMC)doi:
SMCHD1 is a member of the structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) family. It interacts with chromatin through its hinge domain, which also facilitates homodimerisation13,23,24. Unlike the canonical SMC proteins, SMCHD1 is non-canonical in part because it possesses a GHKL ATPase domain25,26,...
Scottish Medical Council (SMC)doi: