SMC pressure压力传感器传感器(英文名称:transducer/sensor)是一种检测装置,能感受到被测量的信息,并能将感受到的信息,按一定规律变换成为电信号或其他所需形式的信息输出,以满足信息的传输、处理、存储、显示、记录和控制等要求。 传感器的特点包括:微型化、数字化、智能化、多功能化、系统化、网络化。它是实现自动...
Compact Pneumatic Pressure Sensor/Switch PSE54□ Switches/Sensors/Controller»Electronic Pressure Switches/Sensors (Remote Type) Features ・PSE Sensor Set Up Tool PSE-ST has been added.[New] ・Switch output specification ・IO-Link compatible ...
SMC Pressure Sensor 1.5MPa, 12 → 24V dc, IP40 1 MPa RS庫存編號: 700-7569 製造零件編號: PSE530-M5-L 製造商: SMC 查看所有Pneumatic Pressure Sensors 單價 個** 原價TWD2,832.00 您付款 TWD1,968.00 (不含稅) TWD2,066.40 (含稅) Add to Basket...
3-Screen Display Sensor Monitor PSE300A Switches/Sensors/Controller»Electronic Pressure Switches/Sensors (Remote Type) Features ・Compatible with 5 types of pressure sensor Applicable sensor: PSE53m, PSE54m, PSE550, PSE57m, PSE56m ・It is possible to change the settings while checking the...
Electronic Pressure Switch, PS1200-R06L-Q, SMC 型号:PS1200-R06L-Q 仓库库存编号:110-64-446 搜索 英国2号仓库查看更多相关产品 参考图片制造商 / 说明 / 型号 / 仓库库存编号PDF操作 SMC Corporation Pressure Sensor 型号:PS1200-R06L-Q 仓库库存编号:70617884 ...
The intended use of the pressure sensor is to measure the pressure of fluids and provide an analogue output signal.These safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situations and/or equipment damage. These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard with the labels of “Caution,”...
Positive pressure [0 to 10 MPa]Piping Specifications Part no.PSE570/573/574-01PSE570/573/574-02 PSE575/576/577-02 Port size R1/8M5 x 0.8R1/4M5 x 0.8R1/4M5 x 0.8 Materials of parts in contact with fluid Piping port: C3604 + Nickel plating Pressure sensor: Al 2O 3 (...
SMC Pressure Sensor 500kPa, 12 → 24V dc, IP40 100 kPa / Pneumatics & Hydraulics / Pneumatic Sensors & Switches / Pneumatic Pressure Sensors RS庫存編號: 700-7575 製造零件編號: PSE543A-R06 製造商: SMC 查看所有Pneumatic Pressure Sensors...
PNP 5 outputs + auto-shift input Applicable pressure sensor model Setting/Display resolution Input/Output specifications ? NPN 2 outputs + 1–5 V outputs ? NPN2outputs +4–20mAoutputs ? NPN 2 outputs + auto-shift input ? PNP 2 outputs + 1–5 V outputs ? PNP2outputs +4–20mAoutputs ?
Switch⁄Sensor TOP Pressure Switch⁄Sensor General Pneumatic Pressure Switch⁄Sensor General Fluids Pressure Switch⁄Sensor Low Differential Pressure Sensor Controller Air Catch Sensor Flow Switch⁄Sensor General Pneumatic Flow Switch⁄Sensor For Water Flow Switch⁄Sensor For DI Water and ...