SMC公司日前推出了一款非常小巧的EZ Connect蓝牙USB适配器(SMC—BT10),将蓝牙生活带到每个人的身边.用户只要简单地将该产品插入到笔记本电脑或台式电脑的USB接口,即可轻松实现该产品和其他蓝牙设备之间的无线连接.SMC—BT10外型小巧精致,通体采用淡蓝色透明设计,而且只有拇指般大小,便于用户携带.该产品工作在通用的2.4...
你的基准 SMC Networks EZ Connect N 802.11n Wireless USB 2.0 Adapter 驱动程序应捆绑在 Windows 中,或者可通过 Windows® 更新下载。 使用这些预安装的驱动程序可以支持USB Wireless Adapter的主要功能。访问此链接了解如何安装这些佳能驱动程序。 自动更新 SMC Networks...
這個內建的 SMC EZ Connect N Draft 11n Wireless USB 2.0 Adapter 驅動程式應該隨附在您的 Windows® 作業系統中,或是透過 Windows® 更新程式取得。 使用這些內建USB Wireless Adapter驅動程式將支援基本功能。請造訪此連結,了解如何安裝這些 Gigabyte 驅動程式。
Tested on Windows 98SE 28 Sep 2006 Installation: Stability: Compatibility: "Work great but was not easy to install... Thankx!" Was this review helpful? (Report this) Already tried it?Give your review. See allSMC EZ Card 10/100 (SMC1244TX) ratings and reviews ...
SMC EZ Connect g 54Mbps SMC2862W-G USB 2.0 网卡 说明书
Find All SMC2206USB/ETH Driver Updates Supported Models SMC2206USB/ETH EZ Connect USB to Dual Speed Ethernet Converter EZ Connect USB/Ethernet Series Converter Manufacturers SMC Supported Operating Systems Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT4, Windows ME, Windows 98SE, Windows 98, ...
SMC-BT10蓝牙USB适配器说明书.pdf,Quick Installation Guide PPackage ContentsPackage Contentsackage Contents After unpacking the EZ Connect™ Wireless Bluetooth USB Adapter, check the contents of the box to be sure you have received the following componen
用户把EZ安装向导光盘放进CD-ROM驱动器中,点击“Install Driver/Utility”链接,安装向导会自动引导安装程序顺利完成安装。然后根据提示把SMC-BT10 插入您的笔记本电脑或者台式电脑的USB接口,用户就可以开始轻松地享用蓝牙网络所带来的便捷和自由。另外,该产品还兼容包括Windows 98SE、ME、2000、XP 以及Mac OS 10.2.x...
SMC SMC9452TX-2 EZ CARD 32-bit 10/100/1000Mbps Gigabit Ethernet PCI Adapter Manual SMC EZ Connect g 54Mbps SMC2862W-G USB 2.0 Network Card user manual SMC micro electronic pressure Switch PS1000 series user manual SMC SMCWBR14-3GN 802.11n Wireless 3G broadband Router Manual SMC EZ Connect...
wireless LAN/ SMC Networkwireless PC cardproductivityEZ wireless LAN PC cardutility program11 Mbit/s/ B6210L Computer communications B6250 Radio links and equipment C5620L Local area networks/ bit rate 1.1E+07 bit/sNo abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1002/nem.437...