<?php require 'vendor/autoload.php'; // 使用 Composer 安装 SMBClient 库 use SmbClient; // 设置 SMB 服务器的连接信息 $server = 'your_smb_server'; // 例如: 或 your_domain.com $username = 'your_username'; $password = 'your_password'; $share = 'your_share'; // 例如:'...
$conn->connect()) { die("连接失败: " . $conn->getLastError()); } // 获取共享文件夹列表 $shares = $conn->listShares(); foreach ($shares as $share) { echo "共享名: " . $share['name'] . "\n"; } // 连接到指定共享文件夹 if ($share_folder) { if (!$conn->setShare($sh...
let shares = try await client.listShares() print(shares.map { $0.name }) Connect to a share drive try await client.connectShare("Public") List files in a directory let files = try await client.listDirectory("Documents/Presentations") print(files.map { $0.fileName }) Download a file ...
Syntax: sessions [interact|create|delete|execute|list] shares: Lists the SMB shares served by the remote machine. Syntax: shares sizeof: Recursively compute the size of a folder. Syntax: sizeof [directory|file] tree: Displays a tree view of the remote directories. Syntax: tree [directory] ...
Upload a file to the server: smbclient //server/share --directory path/to/directory --command "put file.txt" List the shares from a server anonymously: smbclient --list=server --no-pass ©tl;dr;authors and contributors
smbclient [root@zsq~]#smbclient--help Usage:smbclientservice<password> -R,--name-resolve=NAME-RESOLVE-ORDERUsethesenameresolutionservices only -M,--message=HOSTSendmessage -I,--ip-address=IPUsethisIPtoconnectto -E,--stderrWritemessagestostderrinstead ofstdout -L,--list=HOSTGetalistofshares...
NameServerList - Windows 10 hardware dev PromotedIcon1 - Windows 10 hardware dev ShutterSoundUI - Windows 10 hardware dev StartPrepinnedTileType - Windows 10 hardware dev PromotedIcon2 - Windows 10 hardware dev SignalStrengthDelta - Windows 10 hardware dev Data - Windows 10 hardware dev WSP - ...
NameServerList - Windows 10 hardware dev PromotedIcon1 - Windows 10 hardware dev ShutterSoundUI - Windows 10 hardware dev StartPrepinnedTileType - Windows 10 hardware dev PromotedIcon2 - Windows 10 hardware dev SignalStrengthDelta - Windows 10 hardware dev Data - Windows 10 hardware dev WSP - ...
We can get a list of shares on the target, much like we did earlier with Enum4linux, by using the -L flag followed by the IP address of the server: ~# smbclient -L // Enter WORKGROUP\root's password: Anonymous login successful Sharename Type Comment --- --- --- print...
I foung the anwser I was looking for the command is smbutil, so the command below would list smb shares for a hostwith the guest account. smbutil view -g //gues@host Reply User profile for user: ThomasRunkel ThomasRunkel User level: Level 1 0 points Dec 18, 2012 3:21 AM in...