No it's not. They transfer at roughly the same speed. The issue with them is not at the network layer, it's with the fact that whenever you transfer files to an AFP server, the Finder is involved at the server or client end creating the objects in the filesystem and it has always ...
This might speed up clients without aio support, but is really dangerous, because data could be lost and files could be damaged. The syntax is identical to the veto files parameter. Default: aio write behind = Example: aio write behind = /*.tmp/ aio write size (S) If Samba has been ...
In my example, I set up a local HTTP server usingpython -mhttp.serverfor a directory with some Linux ISO distributions on my local hard drive (max speed for downloading is 250-300 Mbytes/s); and for the destination I used an SMB share on my locally running CentOS 7 virtual machine (...
Network speed from performance monitor Network Status column has a "2" after my domain name Network Teaming Active/Active vs Active/passive Network Teaming Event ID 16945 NetworkList Cache New Certificate request"Enrolment Error - An internal error has occurred" New Server 2012 R2: Access Denied...
Just remember that other types of network traffic, such as FTP, HTTP, HTTPS etc won't benefit from the bandwidth aggregation. This is an approach you should consider when looking at centralising the storage of VHD or VHDX files centrally, SQL workloads, or when high speed...
HighestSpeed4GOnly - Windows 10 hardware dev ShowHighestSpeed3GPreferred - Windows 10 hardware dev PartnerSetupAppTaskName - Windows 10 hardware dev UIDefaultDuration - Windows 10 hardware dev PinDiagnosticTiles - Windows 10 hardware dev SuffixSearchOrder - Windows 10 hardware dev GenericWifiCallingEr...
k kurtvs @kurtvs* Feb 12, 2010 0 Likes Toggle Dropdown at Volutar and mswebb, I totally agree with you and I am very very dissapointed in it. I had precisely the same problems. I also replaced that exact disk with it's 2GB alternative, but still the slow speed problems along wit...
smb.conf — The configuration file for the Samba suite SYNOPSIS Thesmb.conffile is a configuration file for the Samba suite.smb.confcontains runtime configuration information for the Samba programs. Thesmb.conffile is designed to be configured and administered by theswat(8)program. The complete ... One thing I don't get my head around is with this smb.cfg Code: ... server string = FreeNAS Server server role = active directory domain controller map to guest = Bad User obey pam restrictions = Yes passdb backen...
Optimized LDAP queries can speed up domain logon and administration tasks a lot. Depending on the size of the LDAP database a factor of 100 or more for common queries is easily achieved. Default: ldapsam:trusted = no ldap server (G)...