New-SmbServerAlternativePort-TransportTypeQUIC-Port1 This command creates a new SMB server alternative port that uses TCP transport on port number1. Parameters -AsJob Runs the cmdlet as a background job. Use this parameter to run commands that take a long time to complete. ...
New-SmbServerAlternativePort-TransportTypeQUIC-Port1 This command creates a new SMB server alternative port that uses TCP transport on port number1. Parameters -AsJob Runs the cmdlet as a background job. Use this parameter to run commands that take a long time to complete. ...
Original KB number: 4471134 Symptoms You can't access a Server Message Block (SMB) shared resource even when the shared resource is enabled on the target Windows Server. When you run the netstat command to show the network connections, the results show that TC...
-RdmaPortSpecifies the destination port number used by the SMB server for Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) protocol connections. 展开表 Type: UInt16 Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False...
如果被请求的服务项设置为guest only = yes,并且,服务运行在共享级安全模式(security = share) ,则跳过1--5步检查. 第一步: 如果客户端提供一对用户名和口令,且这对用户名和口令经unix系统口令程序检验为有效,那么就以该用户名建立连接.注意,这包括用\\server\service%username方式传递用户名. ...
port number端口号是个正值整数。如果此选项未指定则缺省值为139。 这个端口号用于从客户端建立对服务器的连接。基于TCP上的SMB所用的标准(通常使用的)端口号为139,因此这是缺省值。如果你希望作为普通用户而不是root身份运行服务器的话,多数系统会要求你使用1024以上的端口号 - 如有此情况请向系统管理员取得帮助...
This can be particularly useful in scenarios where there are a large number of directory operations being performed on the server. Expand table Type: Boolean Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False...
Original KB number:204279 Summary Windows supports file and printer-sharing traffic by using the SMB protocol directly hosted on TCP. SMB 1.0 and older CIFS traffic supported the NetBIOS over TCP (NBT) protocol supported the UDP transport, but starting in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 wi...
This can be particularly useful in scenarios where there are a large number of directory operations being performed on the server. Expand table Type: Boolean Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False...
NET USE \\server\share/QUICPORT:<some port between 0 and 65536> NET USE \\server\share/RDMAPORT:<some port between 0 and 65536> For example, to map the G: drive port to TCP/847, use: NET USE G: \\\share /TCPPORT:847 ...