Being aware of the most recent cybersecurity trends is imperative when planning for the future. It’s especially true when you take into account the more than 7 in 10 U.S. organizations that were impacted by a data breach over the past few years. Defend Your Business Send message 2...
innovation, and economic growth in their communities. But with limited resources and many competing priorities, safety can often take a backseat. However, robust cybersecurity is crucial, which will help you protect your company against common IT security issues. I...
This is the third blog in a series exploring the findings of Microsoft’s SMB Voice and Attitudes to Technology Study. Parts One, Two, Four, Five, and Six are available on the partner blog. In industry conversations with small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), cybersecurity is a topic ...
If cybersecurity isn’t front of mind, it’s less likely the team will make a concerted effort to improve their current infrastructure. Yet this lack of attention can be a fatal mistake. Hacking operations often use bots to crawl multitudes of sites looking for known vulnerabilities. In these...
This means that 45% of SMBs still rely on external partners to provide specialist support. Given that less than half of the SMBs surveyed had a dedicated cybersecurity person in-house, it’s very likely that many organizations are specifically looking for a partner to provide security support...
This means that 45% of SMBs still rely on external partners to provide specialist support. Given that less than half of the SMBs surveyed had a dedicated cybersecurity person in-house, it’s very likely that many organizations are specifically looking for a partner to provide security support...
MSPs must be security-focused to properly serve their clients, but we should not try to be something we are not. Diana GilesPresident, Skyline IT Management MSPs that opt not to specialize in cybersecurity are bound to face limitations. Nevertheless, trying to specialize without the right...
The Global cybersecurity talent shortage is a real issue and SMB partners also face a scarcity of cybersecurity professionals. For those IT Partners who want to resell security services to customers but don’t have the resources to invest in an in-house security operations...
Explore our cybersecurity solutions for businesses, providing cyber security protection tailored to your business and SMB cyber security requirements.
doi:10.36965/OJAKM.2019.7(1)14-26Ruti GafniTal PavelInternational Institute for Applied Knowledge Management - IIAKM