二、SMB包头部分: 其中SMB Header的长度为32个byte,NETBIOS Header的长度为4个byte,TCPHeader为20个byte,SMB Command Header的长度不是固定的,不同的命令有不同的长度。 三、SMB Header AI检测代码解析 typedef unsigned char UCHAR; // 8 unsigned bits typedef unsigned short USHORT; // 16 unsigned bits ty...
* Reserved but not implemented 8. 命令:目前SMB协议共包含75种命令,不同命令通过SMB_Header中1字节大小的Command字段来区别定义,其中:SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2命令用于打开或创建一个共享文件或文件夹,设置它们的扩展属性。SMB_COM_NT_TRANSACT命令用于打开或创建一个文件或文件夹,并应用扩展属性EA或安全描述符SD。 9...
5.1 SMB_header: Protocol (4 bytes):这个字段必须包含4字节的字符串'\ xFF','S','M','B',其中所显示的顺序由各自的ASCII值表示。在最早的可用SMB文档中,该字段被定义为一个字节的消息类型(0xFF),后跟一个三字节的服务器类型标识符。 Command (1 byte):一个字节的命令代码 Status (4 bytes):一个32...
} SMB_HEADER; 下图为SMB Header每个字段占用的字节图: 用wireshark抓包,SMB Header的截图: SMB Command:SMB命令 NT Status:SMB命令的状态,0x00000000为成功 四、SMB Command 1、SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE(0x72) 协商命令 Must be the first message sent by client to the server. Includes a list of SMB dialects ...
SMB2Header: Size: 64 (0x40) CreditCharge: 0 (0x0) Status: STATUS_SUCCESS Command: TREE CONNECT Credits: 123 (0x7B) Flags: 0 (0x0) ServerToRedir: ...0 Client to Server AsyncCommand: ...0. Command is not asynchronous Related: ...0.. Packet is single message Signed: .....
Command位用于表示发送的是什么命令,用命令对应的命令代码表示,比如我要发送SMB_COM_CREATE_DIRECTORY命令,则填充Command位为0x00,SMB_COM_CREATE_DIRECTORY命令的意思是创建一个新目录。其它命令可查看文档 SMB_Header结构的其它位的含义可以查看文档 0x0101 SMB_Parameters ...
NextCommand (4 bytes):For a compounded request and response, this field MUST be set to the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of this SMB2 header to the start of the subsequent 8-byte aligned SMB2 header. If this is not a compounded request or response, or this is the last heade...
import socket, struct, sys class Smb2Header: def __init__(self, command, message_id): self.protocol_id = "\xfeSMB" self.structure_size = "\x40\x00" # Must be set to 0x40 self.credit_charge = "\x00"*2 self.channel_sequence = "\x00"*2 self.channel_reserved = "\x00"*2 self...
/* length *//* SMB Header */0xFE,0x53,0x4D,0x42,/* protocol id */0x40,0x00,/* structure size, must be 0x40 */0x00,0x00,/* credit charge */0x00,0x00,/* channel sequence */0x00,0x00,/* channel reserved */0x00,0x00,/* command */0x00,0x00,/* credits requested */0x...
Command: Session Setup Andx 115(0x73) + NTStatus: 0x0, Facility = FACILITY_SYSTEM, Severity = STATUS_SEVERITY_SUCCESS, Code = (0) STATUS_SUCCESS + SMBHeader: Command, TID: 0xFFFF, PID: 0xFEFF, UID: 0x0000, MID: 0x0040 - CSessionSetupAndXNTLMESS: ...