...总结:本文介绍了在Linux系统中检查用户账户是否被锁定的四种方法,包括使用passwd命令、chage命令、查看/etc/shadow文件和查看/etc/passwd文件。...如果您想深入学习Linux命令和系统管理知识,我们整理了一份Linux学习的pdf文件,放在下面的路径,可以自提:Linux Commands for Linux Beginners Cheat Sheet...
Get the Cheat Sheet! We won't send you spam. Unsubscribe at any time. So if you want to load the SMBShare module, just run one of the commands I’m getting ready to tell you about! The SMBShare “Get-” Commands The SMBShare module includes 11 different Get commands, for finding ...
Incidentally, here is something of a short recipe “cheat sheet” for native compile if the source code is on the Jetson (this shows how to build everything, not just modules, so you wouldn’t care about things like firmware): # --- Setting Up: --- # DO NOT BUILD AS ROOT/SUDO!!