Posted By Landon Wright | On 12th, Sep. 2019 Facebook Twitter RedditWhen Super Smash Bros. Ultimate was announced with the rallying cry of “Everyone’s Here!” it was pretty absurd. Not only is it quite a feat in and of itself to have the entirety of the Nintendo characters back from...
Ultimatedoes not have a dedicated back room, only having the standard publicly available forums. No official statement has been given on its lack of creation, though the decision was likely influenced by a combination of a general decline in usership and those that would otherwise be in a backr...
Posted By Shubhankar Parijat | On 21st, Jan. 2019 Facebook Twitter RedditSuper Smash Bros. Ultimate is a crazy, ambitious game- one that rightly received a ton of praise at launch, sold well right out the gate, and has continued to do so even now, with one of its biggest strengths ...
Ultimate community by painting Salem in a bad light, showing a hefty critique of his controversial "years of research" video. Leffen completely distorted an account of an altercation he had with another Smasher into a story of abuse and prejudice to further paint himself in a sympathetic light....
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is Nintendo’s biggest entry in the series to date, but unlocking characters can be tiresome. Here’s our guide to finding everyone!
今年晚些时候,Super Smash Bros. Ultimate将在Nintendo Switch上首次亮相。现在,Redditor和Imgur用户Mitchdog72已经承担起了绘制所有进入Super Smash Bros.系列的游戏及其贡献。像任天堂系列马里奥和塞尔达这样的常见嫌疑人是惊人的,但该列表还包括惊喜,甚至是赢得游戏内参考的特定硬件,例如 1985 年与原始任天堂娱乐系统...
NoxPlayer provides the ultimate gaming experience on PC. We believe every detail matters. On NoxPlayer, gamers could experience a clearer view, an easier way to control characters, a smoother gaming experience, higher compatibility and performance, and… these won’t leave us satisfied. For you,...
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: The Smash Bros. Panel will host a roundtable discussion with professional Smash Bros competitors featuring a Q&A session. Our panelists will explore how Smash differs from other FGC titles, the larger role of grassroots esport
Love at first sight, domination in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate What first made you pick up Mr. Game & Watch? The number 9. I always thought, "If I landed a 9 it would be super hype." I landed two on the big stage and everyone thinks it's lame n...
With so many gamers being denied their request forKingdom Heartsprotagonist Sora to become a fighter inSuper Smash Brother Ultimate, it would seem that some are taking the situation into their own hands. If Nintendo won’t allowKingdom Heartsto come toSuper Smash, then they will bringSuper Sm...