As for me i know very well that i am going to get it.I have an un used Wii Points Card just laying around just waiting for the day NOA gets off of their rump and releases it here in USA.This is making me wish i had a Japanese Wii right now.That or a Japanese Friend who has...
The following is all unused content that is known to have been at least considered during development of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate before being altered, rejected, cut, or abandoned prior to the final release.
YOU BETTER START PUTTING POKEMON LIKE RILLABOOM OR CINDERACE IN DE GAME OR I SUE! 0 Reply 31 zLiNkcrAzY Thu 24th Dec 2020 Did you try/buy Sephiroth he's the coolest villain ever! I just need Terry & Hero and ver. 10.1.0 0
Ironically, even though Squirtle and Greninja are both Water-type Pokemon, they are still capable of drowning when in the water long enough.
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