Smart Materials and StructuresX. Peng.A Two-Phase Mixture Model for SMAs and Application to the Analysis for Pseudoelasticity of a SMA Polycyrstal. Smart Materials and Structures . 2000A Two-Phase Mixture Model for SMAs and Application to the Analysis for Pseudoelasticity of a SMA Polycyrstal....
Bodaghi, MDamanpack, A RLiao, W HSmart Materials & StructuresBodaghi M, Damanpack A R and Liao W H 2016 A robust macroscopic model for normal-shear coupling, asymmetric and anisotropic behaviors of polycrystalline SMAs Smart Mater. Struct. 25 075019...
A 20% increase in the biomass of pinnipeds was achieved with comparatively modest, but "smart," fisheries reductions. Commercial and overall fisheries catches consistently decreased by the end of all 20-yr simulations, indicating that 1994-1996 commercial fishing levels were unsustainable....