Option 1: Record a date in a helper column First, add a Date type of column to your sheet and add yesterday's date (or any date in the past) into a cell. You can then hide this column. Next, create atime-based workflowto add today's date into that new column using theRecord a ...
Description/Helper Text. Use this to enter the name of the project or any other descriptive text you want visible every time. Target Column. Decide in which column you want that specific Profile Data item to appear. If, for example, you select Description, that column must appear in your ...
Thanks for the help! The Easiest way I found to find duplicates is with a helper column that counts say a Task Description Something as simple as =COUNTIF([Task]:[Task], =Task@row) will count the number of times theExact Task Descriptionis seen in the column. So if it h...
Your next step is filling in the lines between corners. There are a number of ways to do this, depending on the type of structure that you intend to build: You might measure and locate column lines, foundation lines, or outside wall lines. An architect or builder can tell you which is...