思特威(上海)电子科技股份有限公司 SmartSens Technology (股票简称:思特威,股票代码:688213,于2022年5月20日上市)是一家从事CMOS图像传感器芯片产品研发、设计和销售的高新技术企业,总部设立于中国上海,在多个城市及国家设有研发中心。 自2017年成立以来,思特威始终专注于高端成像技术的创新与研发,凭借自身性能优势得...
思特威(上海)电子科技股份有限公司(SmartSens Technology)是一家从事CMOS图像传感器芯片产品研发、设计及服务的高新技术企业。思特威以创新为驱动,专注于为客户提供面向未来和全球领先的CMOS图像传感器芯片产品。凭借一支精于创新、覆盖全球的研发团队,思特威自主研
思特威(上海)电子科技股份有限公司 Smartsens Technology(股票简称:思特威,股票代码:688213)是一家从事CMOS图像传感器芯片产品研发、设计和销售的高新技术企业,总部设立于中国上海,在多个城市及国家设有研发中心。 自成立以来,思特威始终专注于高端成像技术的创新与研发,凭借性能优势在同质化竞争中脱颖而出,得到了更多...
SmartSens Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (SSE STAR MARKET: 688213) is a high-performance CMOS image sensor (CIS) chip design company. It is headquartered in Shanghai and has research centers in many cities around the world. SmartSens has been dedicated to pushing forward the frontier of im...
SmartSens Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (SSE STAR MARKET: 688213) is a high-performance CMOS image sensor (CIS) chip design company. It is headquartered in Shanghai and has research centers in many cities around the world. SmartSens has been dedicated to pushing forward the frontier of im...
“SmartSens addresses the needs of high-end DMS/OMS with SC533AT, a 5MP automotive-grade RGB-IR CMOS image sensor,” said Ms. Peiling Zhang, Chief Marketing Officer at SmartSens Technology. “This RGB-IR BSI global shutter image sensor incorporates enhanced imaging performance with improved IR...
思特威(SmartSens Technology)全面解读:技术优势、市场表现与未来展望 一、引言 在半导体行业的广阔市场中,CMOS图像传感器(CIS)作为沟通物理与数字世界的纽带,其地位愈发凸显。随着安防监控、汽车电子及智能手机等领域的持续高速发展,CIS市场迎来了空前的繁荣。思特威(SmartSens Technology),作为CMOS图像传感器领域...
“The booming of AI-enabled IoT and security applications drives the demands for cameras with improved overall performance,” said Ms. Peiling Zhang, Chief Marketing Officer at SmartSens Technology. “The two new AI Series image sensors, SC431AI and SC231AI, employs SmartSens’ latest SmartClarity...
“The intelligent automobile industry is at a critical stage of stepping into higher levels of autonomous driving, with the rapid growth in the installation rate of DMS/OMS on vehicles,” said Mr. Kevin Shao, Vice President of Automotive Division at SmartSens Technology. “SmartSens’ new 2.3MP...
SmartSens Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (Stock Code: 688213) is a high-performance CMOS image sensor (CIS) chip design company. It is headquartered in Shanghai and has research centers in many cities around the world. SmartSens has been dedicated to pushing forward the frontier of imaging...